Madras Flying Club is registered as a Society under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act.1975.
The objects of the Madras Flying Club is to provide for Pilot Training, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Aeronautics, Aviation Science, Aviation Engineering, Aviation security, Repair and Maintenance of Aircrafts, Hangaring for Aircrafts etc., Also to promote the Aviation knowledge among the youngsters through Degree and Diploma Courses in Aviation recognized by reputed Universities.
Madras Flying Club offers Commercial Pilot License courses (CPL) along with B.Sc (Aviation) Degree Program, So that the Students get a Degree as well as CPL together while passing out, So that the employment opportunities are excellent in Ground and in the Air.
Madras Flying Club also offers Degree programme in Aviation like, B.Sc (Aviation), B.B.A (Aviation & Ground Handling Management), Diploma courses in Air Hostes / Cabin Crew Management, Flight Operation Management, Ground Handling Management, recognized by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.